

Theraplay is a profoundly impactful and evidence-based approach designed to nurture and strengthen the connection between a child and their parent. Theraplay centrally involves the parent in engaging with the child in specific ways, utilizing a variety of simple activities that foster "in-the-moment" connection and develop closeness. These activities are a vehicle for connection, and through sensitive "here and now" interactions, the child can relax and simply be a child. Think of it as quality time with a therapeutic twist! The activities, led by the adult, range from lively and energetic to quiet and nurturing.

Theraplay focuses on boosting children's confidence, helping them manage their feelings, and ensuring they feel loved and supported.

Sensory Health Matters has supported families and parents with the following concerns or thoughts:

“I’d like to have more fun with my child”

“My child has separation anxiety, how can I support them to feel more confident?

“My child has difficulty waiting, taking turns and sharing with other children”

“I am constantly negotiating with my child, it feels exhausting”

“I’d like help to set boundaries and limits with my child, they become so upset when things don’t go to plan, or they don’t get their own way.”

“I often ‘lose it’ with my child and I’d like support with this”

“My child struggles to regulate their emotions”

“My child always insists on doing things their way and is often the one in charge”

“My child often gets ‘silly’ or over-excited in play.”

“My child is too serious and finds it difficult to relax and have fun”

“I struggle to calm my child down when they are upset”

“My child doesn’t allow me to sooth or calm them”

“My child often pulls away from touch when they are hurt or upset.”

“My child avoids trying new things”

“My child always needs to get things right or perfect”

“My child refuses help when she is finding something hard”

Theraplay builds on four main themes, or 'dimensions', that are present in everyday 'good enough' parenting and lead to healthy development. These themes are:

  • Structure: Structure involves providing security and predictability. The adult acts as a reassuring and confident leader, setting rules and limits with love. This helps organize and support the child, enabling them to develop control over their body.

  • Engagement: Engagement is about experiencing shared joy and being connected in the "here and now." The adult recognizes and responds to the child's cues, focusing on the child in a personal and attentive way

  • Nurture: Nurture is about creating a safe and warm environment, reassuring the child that the adult will provide comfort and care. This helps the child feel loved and valued.

  • Challenge: Challenge involves helping the child grow and develop confidence by encouraging them to try new things. It involves offering tasks that match the child's abilities and providing the support needed to help them succeed, even when they feel frustrated.

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Angela Tieman