The Magic of Glimmers: Finding Joy in Life's Little Moments

In the fast-paced hustle of our daily lives, we often overlook the simple joys that surround us. These small, fleeting moments of delight, wonder, and connection that brighten our day briefly interrupt the stress we may be feeling.

 I’m talking about the enchanting world of glimmers and the profound impact they can have on our well-being if noticed often enough. Added up, they have the potential to re-set our nervous system to states of safety, joy and connection.

 According to Deb Dana, a licensed clinical social worker specialising in complex trauma and author of “The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy:”

Glimmers refer to small moments when our biology is in a place of connection or regulation, which cues our nervous system to feel safe or calm. We're not talking great, big, expansive experiences of joy or safety or connection, these are micro moments that begin to shape our system in very gentle ways.

In this blog post, my intention is to guide you in discovering your sensory glimmers within your daily life. As Deb Dana says, our glimmers, when experienced little and often, have the potential to steer your nervous system towards states of safety, joy and connection.


The first step is to notice. Glimmers, abundant and waiting to be discovered, emerge when we commit to being present. We don’t need to do anything new or different to begin with, we simply need to allow ourselves to slow down or pause for a moment and notice. A beautiful sunrise, a perfectly brewed cup of tea, feeling the warmth of the mug in your hands, the smell of fresh rain after a storm, or hearing the birds tweet and sing.  


Sensory glimmers refer to those magical moments that are experienced through our senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, proprioception and vestibular input. These glimmers can evoke powerful emotions, memories, and feelings of joy and wonder.

1. Visual Glimmers:

Visual glimmers are moments of awe and beauty that we see around us. It could be a stunning sunrise or sunset painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, blossoming flowers, looking at photos or artwork on your wall or a meticulously organised bookshelf arranged in colour shades. Visual glimmers have the power to leave us speechless or simply remind us of the beauty and joy around us.  

2. Auditory Glimmers:

Auditory glimmers are sounds that captivate our ears. It might be the rustling of leaves, soothing sound of ocean waves crashing on the shore, listening to your favourite playlist, chirping birds, or the laughter of loved ones. Similar to other types of glimmers, auditory glimmers have the potential to evoke positive emotions, ground us in the present moment, and provide a brief respite from the hustle and bustle of our lives.

3. Olfactory Glimmers:

Olfactory glimmers are experienced through our sense of smell. The aroma of freshly baked bread, the scent of fresh herbs or flowers in a garden, a coconut and lime candle burning in the evening, or the smell of freshly washed hair. These glimmers are uniquely individual and have the potential to interrupt stress, even if just for a moment, and help to change the way we feel. Smell is such a powerful way to ground us and to connect with the present moment.

4. Gustatory Glimmers:

Gustatory glimmers are those delightful moments linked to taste. It could be savouring a perfectly ripe, juicy fruit, a favourite comfort food prepared with love, or trying a new dish that surprises and delights you. These tastes can create moments of culinary delight and appreciation.

5. Tactile Glimmers:

Tactile glimmers are experienced through touch. It might be the comforting embrace of a loved one, stroking a pet, the feel of soft sand beneath your feet at the beach, or the warmth of a cozy blanket or fluffy hot water bottle on a chilly evening. Tactile glimmers have the power to provide comfort, connection, and a sense of security.

6. Movement Glimmers:

Movement glimmers may include moments such as rocking on a chair or swing with your child, shifting your body between yoga poses, running, dancing, getting immersed in a workout, or playing chasey! Why is movement so powerful? Movement, especially rhythmic and repetitive movements, can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body's rest-and-digest response. According to The Polyvagal Theory, activities such as rocking, swaying, or gentle walking stimulate the vagus nerve, promoting a state of calmness and relaxation. From a sensory integration perspective, movement involves multiple sensory inputs, such as proprioception (awareness of body position), vestibular (balance and spatial orientation), and tactile sensations. This sensory integration can provide a grounding and organizing effect on the nervous system, helping individuals feel more connected to their bodies and their environment.


Sharing our glimmers with others, especially our children, can be a beautiful way to connect. This could be done in so many ways:

Create a Family Gratitude Journal: Maintain a journal where each family member can jot down their daily glimmers, whether through words, drawings, or even attaching small mementos like pressed flowers. This can become a cherished keepsake of shared moments.

Nature Walk and Photography: Embark on nature walks or outings with a camera or smartphone. Capture the glimmers you encounter in the form of photographs, and then gather to share and discuss the images later.

Glimmer Jars: Fill small glass jars with notes describing glimmers you've experienced. Your note may include the date, and what you loved about it. Keep the jars in a visible place as a visual reminder to see what’s inside!

Bedtime Sharing: Dedicate a few minutes during bedtime routines to share the glimmers of the day. Encourage your children to reflect on what brought them joy, wonder, or a sense of connection.

Creating Art: Encourage your children to express their glimmers through art. They could create paintings, drawings, or crafts inspired by these special moments. This allows them to engage with the experience on a deeper level.

Special Glimmer Notes: Slip handwritten notes describing glimmers into lunchboxes, school bags, or around the house. These surprise notes can brighten their day and serve as a reminder to appreciate the small joys.

Glimmer Collab Project: Collaborate on a creative project that embodies your family's glimmers. This could be a scrapbook, a video montage, or a shared digital album filled with photos, stories, and reflections.

By recognizing our sensory glimmers, we begin to unveil our individual sensory preferences. This insight empowers us to purposefully incorporate joyful experiences into our daily lives. How powerful is this!


 Resources and References:

Book: The Polyvagal Theory In Therapy: Engaging The Rhythm of Regulation (Norton, June 2018)


Too loud, too bright, too fast, too busy!


Sensory Thresholds