What is Sensory Health?

Sensory Health is using our knowledge about our own unique sensory preferences, likes and dislikes to make informed choices that support happiness and well-being.  

You may find that you like to use scented and textured products while showering. Or perhaps you enjoy shopping in large, busy stores. Or are you someone who prefers browsing online and visiting the store outside of peak times? Does brisk walking help you to focus and feel calmer rather than going for a run? 

Every decision we make relates to the amount and types of sensory input we can manage on any given day. 

Sensory processing and integration is a complex process which is happening constantly, often without our conscious awareness! Our brain and body support this process by taking in information from within our body and the environment, sorting out which information is important to pay attention to, and then piecing this information together to enable us to engage and participate in everyday activities.  

Why does sensory health matter? 

By paying more attention to personal preferences about sensory input, what those preferences mean, and how they affect day to day life, we can better understand our behaviour and the behaviour of others. This understanding can lead to more informed decisions about how to harness sensation advantageously, no matter what you are doing.  

Research tells us that sensory health plays a crucial role in supporting our physical and mental health, relationships, resilience and stress management.   

Our senses have a powerful influence on the way we feel and can help us: 

  • Relax and calm down, to feel less stressed!

  • Be more alert and energized

  • Interact with others

  • Be more in tune with our bodies, and

  • Feel more organized

Sensory input is especially helpful when we are upset, distracted, stressed or ill. What works for one person may not work for another. Our needs are unique, with no ‘one size fits all’ approach.

If you are a parent, caregiver or educator and would like to learn more about your own unique sensory preferences, likes and dislikes and how these support your roles, relationships and participation in everyday life, then please get in touch. I would love to hear from you!


Record To Reflect: A Look At Video Interaction Guidance by Angela Tieman.